
Internal quality
Our employees are professionals. Experienced in employment and in the industries in which we mediate and as a result of continuous training always up to date.

External quality
Module Personnel Services is a member of the ABU (General Association of Employment Agencies) and certified according to the standard NEN 4400-1. Membership of the ABU stands for quality, safety and (financial) security. Only companies that meet the strict criteria set by the ABU and its recognised controlling institution, may call themselves ABU member and qualify for the NEN 4400-1 certification.

Anti-discrimination policy
In accordance with our beliefsĀ and on legal grounds, we reject all forms of discrimination, including discrimination based on sex, religion, belief, political affiliation, race, nationality, heterosexual or homosexual orientation, marital status, disability or chronic illness and age . The Module Board directs an active policy and every employee / client can contact the Board for questions / reportsĀ info@module.nl